Over the following decades many houses and office buildings would collapse, but some ordinary items would resist decay for an extraordinarily long time. 接下来数十年当中,许许多多的房子和办公楼将会坍塌。不过一些普通的物体将持续相当抵挡腐烂相当长时间。
Our Country Ordinary University Physical Education Strengthens National Defense Sports Items Experimental Study 我国普通高校体育课加强国防体育项目的实验研究
In an ordinary supermarket, it is preferable to keep the items of one kind all together. 在普通超级市场里,同类商品最好搁在一起。
School-running Orientation and Features of Ordinary Local Higher Learning Institutions; Research on Constructing Characteristics Items of Local Colleges and Universities 普通地方高校的办学定位与办学特色我国地方高等学校特色项目建设研究
Taxpayers constructing ordinary standard residences for sale, where the appreciation amount does not exceed 20% of the sum of deductible items; 纳税人建造普通标准住宅出售,增值额未超过扣除项目金额20%的;
Results This construction project is ordinary occupational hazard items, including the selection of site, the arrangement and layout the of the facilities, occupational disease prevention and protection measures, hygiene equipment of auxiliary workplaces meet the requirements of the national laws and regulations; 结果该建设项目属于一般职业病危害项目;选址与总体布局、生产设备布局、拟采取的职业病防护措施设计、辅助用室的卫生设施配置等符合国家卫生标准;